RoasTime 3 is finally out! The primary focus for this release is performance and usability.

The latest version includes several changes and enhancements that should increase productivity for roasters.

Download RoasTime 3 to try it out, and read on to learn more about some of the major changes.

USB Library

This is the piece of code that actually communicates with the Aillio roasters. In previous versions, this was dependent on the main thread. We now open a completely new thread that is independent and decoupled from the renderer and main background processes. This means that any issue from each process will not interfere with one another. (Freezing roasts anyone?)

While doing this, we also took the time to re-write the underlying library. We hope that these changes will help solve some of the USB issues we have had in the past.

Graphing Library

Along with the USB library, RoasTime ships with a new graphing library. We had a few customers that would face intermittent issues with freezing graphs or misalignments, our new library should solve many of this issues and perform better.

New Datastore and Sync Service

Due to a RoastWorld update, we also had to migrate our data store. The syncing service is completely re-hauled to support our new backend and connection with RW. There are a lot of stability improvements made here.

UI and Renderer Improvements

The UI improvements are subtle, but they are backed by a LARGE re-write of our renderer. Due to our new framework, we are able to release new features quicker.

The Road Ahead

We have a lot of ideas and are excited to implement them in future versions of RoasTime 3. From machine learning and applying them to roasts to new roasters and integrations. We also always appreciate feedback and ideas via our community.